
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Caterpillars versus Butterflies

Last night there was a moment with Christopher when I just thought..."He has no idea how precious we think he is, how loved he is already." My thoughts immediately turned to how our Lord loved us and thought we were precious enough to save us from ourselves before we had a clue. How much time was wasted just rolling in the dirt like caterpillars when we were meant to be butterflies flying around- beautiful and in the light.

Today my friend Alice Park is coming to help me while Andrew flys out to Wichita, KS for a TUMI summit. I am so thankful for her friendship that compels her to think "Watching a 1 month old and helping out an old friend for a few days is worth it!" I know Andrew is looking forward to attending this conference especially with Bob (Stevenson, director) and Rick (Horne, TUMI mentor)...I am looking forward to hear how the Lord is moving through TUMI satellites around the world.

We are looking forward to April 19th, the World Impact Banquet. It is just a fun time of fellowship as we sit with so many volunteers and supporters of what God's doing in Chester. The Frederick Douglass Christian School students will have a performance, the President of WI Keith Phillips will also speak, along with a great dinner. Please let me know if you would like an invitation, seats are available!